
PAGES Conference Awards & Recognition Program

This program honors individuals and institutions for their outstanding achievements over the year. Receiving an award at our conference highlights your contributions and brings recognition within the academic and professional community, as well as at your institution. Awards are presented to the top researchers of the conference in the following four categories:

Award Categories

All best presenters will receive Certificates and Complimentary Registration for the next series. The awards will be presented during the ceremony on the final day of the conference, coinciding with the conclusion of the event.

Overall Best Oral Presentation Award

This award recognizes the most outstanding oral presentation of the entire conference.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • All oral presentations at the conference are eligible.
  • Presenters must be registered participants of the conference.
  • Demonstrated ability to explain research clearly and answer questions effectively.
  • Chair & Co-Chair will select the best presentation.

Overall Best Poster Presentation Award

The best poster presentation will be selected among all the researchers in the Poster session.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • All poster presentations at the conference are eligible.
  • Presenters must be registered participants of the conference.
  • Demonstrated ability to explain research clearly and answer questions effectively.
  • Chair & Co-Chair will select the best presentation.

Poster Guidelines:

  • Maximum poster size: 44” x 44” (112 cm x 112 cm).
  • Suggested minimum font sizes:
  • Title: 36-point type
  • List of authors: 25-point type
  • Body copy (double-spaced text): 15-point type
  • Use high contrast colors and avoid red-green pairings to aid those with color blindness.
  • Print a high-resolution copy of your poster for onsite presentation (size must not exceed 44" x 44" [112 cm x 112 cm]).

Best YRF (Young Research Forum) Presentation Award

This award is for young investigators, post-graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, trainees, and junior faculty with up to 5 years of research experience.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a registered participant of the conference.
  • Must present research (either as an oral or poster presentation).
  • Each young researcher/young scientist can submit only one paper (as first author or co-author).
  • Age limit: Under 35 years.
  • Chair & Co-Chair will select the best presentation.

Best Women Presentation Award

This award recognizes the most outstanding oral presentation by a woman at the conference.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must present research (either as an oral or poster presentation).
  • Presenters must be registered participants of the conference.
  • Demonstrated ability to explain research clearly and answer questions effectively.
  • Chair & Co-Chair will select the best presentation